Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Blah blah blah
I have got extreme feelings.. too happy or too sad or too angry or too lazy or too crazy.. I'm always at the extreme ends. I can't control them, I just live with them. I don't even wish I could control, this is what I am.
Once while listening to Mahabharata, I heard a word which Lord Krishna told to Arjuna. It is 'Sthithapragnyatha'.. came to know that it is a state of not being over-excited in happy moments and not being depressed with difficulties. I don't know why I'm thinking about it now but I'm sure that it is impossible for me to achieve that state (atleast in this life :D).
P.S.: Don't ask me 'what happened?', I can't tell you. I've seen a few hidden shades of Infy which I can't share with you.
Its high time to worry about it now. All you need to do is pull her leg, show the naughtiest side of you and bring back your old friend :)
Life is a journey where we meet people of different kinds. We may not like somebody for what he/she is at a particular time but if they change with time and show you some false face (or new face) of themselves, we can't accept it. It is true that many things change with time, but not all are acceptable.
P.S.: Today's one of my old friend's b'day. I think, now you understand why I wrote so much.. :)
Little things..
A wonderful evening (yesterday) spent with friends doing what we love the most (shopping :)) and going triples on a 2-wheeler (activa) without the fear of being stopped by a traffic police (thanks to bandh!) gives immense pleasure and to explain that I don't know enough words. I have a poor vocabulary compared to the great experiences :D
We made our evening even more memorable adding the taste of panipuri to it.
Little things in life give more happiness and are important most of the times.
These rumours.. don't know where they start n how they spread.. some are funny, some are irritating.. but what to do, they are a part of our life. So, whenever u hear one, just smile n ignore, as I do.. :)
I've heard many rumours, but the one I heard yesterday is the most unexpected one. It was too funny. Want to know? Sorry, I'm not interested in spreading rumours. :P
You can share your favourite rumours though :P
The other day somebody asked me, what have you done in your bench period??
I was thinking, 'do you really wanna know?'
I can give lot of answers to that question but he wouldn't want to know the truth, so I told him what he wanted to hear.. :)
I've learnt to forget what I've learnt, I've unknowingly improved my speed of typing, I tried my hand at blogging, I've become lazier than before, I've read some novels n stories, I've learnt to sleep a lot, I've learnt that passing time doing nothing isn't that difficult, I've become too didn't tell him all this. I told him that I've attended some E&R sessions which I really did attend. :D
Some questions can be answered easily, but we need to think what the other person expects from us while asking. Thats the art of answering in an answerable way :D. Another one of it is, 'Tell me about yourself.'
P.S.: I wish n hope that the 'somebody' wouldn't trouble me seeing this.. :)
For a change, I may not be idle from tomorrow. Somebody wants to utilise my talent n services. The day has come finally after a long wait. Yeah, after a successful completion of 100 days (courtesy: my cousin cum friend :)) on bench I'm bidding good-bye to my bench period.
As some of my friends said, its true that one call can change your life. Today during my long lunch break such a change has happened. Unfortunately, after few days, I will have to spend the rest of my days at office in ODC.
Many of my friends said, end of bench-period implies end of fun. I'm waiting to meet new people n experience different things. I'll try to find fun in every torturous work from now on. Mixed feelings again.
P.S.: This doesn't mean that I'm gonna stop blogging. The frequency of updating my blog n writing comments may change though :)
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
No offences meant. I've written what I've observed.
P.S.: Couldn't stop using the words 'some' n 'people' too many times.
Memoirs of GP’s place
Thinking of peaceful life, I remember the days when I was at my grandparents' place in a small town (Vizianagaram) near Visakhapatnam. We used to go there for few days during the summer vacation. The place is so simple n calm that it gave us some time to live peacefully. It is not any famous tourist place, but the fresh n unpolluted air to breathe, unfiltered but pure water to drink, no school-no books, not much of luxury.. gave us a whole lot of happiness. The serenity of the place was more enjoyable as compared to the city we lived in. We preferred long walks over travelling in the noisy automobiles. We made friends with the neighbours' kids and played until Mom called us to eat. We spent the evenings in counting stars n gazing at the moonlit sky before falling asleep. (Here, 'we' implies me n my brother :))
I know that all of us have such memorable flash backs. But in my case, I can't go there now, 'coz my grandparents don't live there anymore.
P.S.: I wrote this only out of boredom. Ofcourse, I love that place :)
Yeah, that's a fake smile. Who'd wish to go to office on a Monday morning and give a smile? Not me, for sure.
These fake smiles n formalities have become a part of our life. Actually, we got used to being pretentious everyday. Reasons could vary from person to person but the basic idea is that we want to be seen as 'well-behaved' in the society. The society as I see is a group of people with (sometimes without) some common ideas, thoughts or beliefs. Being a part of the society has its advantages but I can't stop talking about the disadvantages (don't know why). The society has its own rules n expectations which we are bound to follow. Most of us are not aware that our thoughts n actions are influenced by the society in such a way that we've forgotten being ourselves.
People say "Be yourself. Be original", "Originality never goes out of fashion", etc. But, trust me, nobody is ready to see the 'Originality' in others.
Love you Dad
He took pain in my tears n he gave me the happiness of his smiles. He showed me the right path when I was lost. He taught me how to live, love, walk, talk, learn n earn. He happily made some sacrifices for my pleasure. Now, I know, it’s my turn to give him whatever I can.
He is the inspiration for whatever I am today. He is my Dad. Today’s his B’day.
Happy B’day Dad. Lots of love to you. :)
P.S.: He's 57. Three more yrs to retire from official service.. :D
The wedding excitement
I've observed that the weddings have got a lot to do with the lives of so many families (Yeah, not just the bride, groom and their families). Money is spent lavishly for the great ambience, the food and entertainment to give a wonderful experience to all the invitees. Though the bride's parents take it as their responsibility to treat the guests at their best, every person who attends a wedding has his/her own role to play.
The aunties look around for the young unmarried girls and guys and start pestering them that they are the next in the line to get married. Some of these aunties look for a good match for her son/daughter by promoting them among the crowd of aunties as the most eligible bachelor/bachelorette. The young girls and guys, who are seen in traditional wear at such occasions, look hideously for a good-looking partner in the crowd, they try to keep these aunties away and they want them to stop pestering. The kids have new friends whom they’ve never met before and might never see again, they are all busy playing games and they are happy to be left free. Their Moms are busy showcasing their jewelry n sarees to each other. The old uncles are busy in discussing topics like property, politics, cricket, etc. while the young uncles are busy with their laptops or mobile phones. Despite the presence of a professional photographer, few cousins of the bride/groom show interest in photography. The food lovers can be seen only in the dining hall, eating endlessly and praising the taste of the food. Every person has something or the other to do, everybody is busy. There are very few people who actually pay attention to what rituals are taking place and these are the ones who are very close to the families of bride n groom.
In short, the wedding is special not only for the bride n groom but to everyone present there.
P.S.: It is only an observation. This post has nothing to do with me n my wedding. :)
The drenching experience
I was near the main gate, very happy to leave the office by the first out-going bus. There was no rain.. not even a drop, it was a little cloudy, I thought it might rain today. I went past the turnstiles, it started raining and by the time I crossed the main gate which was just a few steps away, it was raining heavily. The umbrellas were of no use as everyone standing there was half-drenched in rain before getting into the bus. We had to wait for 20-25 mins in the heavy rain for the Infy bus to arrive. In the struggle to get into the bus soon so that we can be seated, all of us were totally drenched. Sitting in the bus, I could feel the water under my feet just by looking at it. There was water everywhere! If I lived in a place which is close to office, I would have enjoyed the drenching experience but I had to travel for 2 hours in the bus that day to reach home, crossing the waterfalls, rivers n vehicles that flooded on the road. By the time I reached home, I was completely devoid of energy.
The heavy rains in Hyd give it a look of a place which has just recovered from floods. Actually, it hasn't yet recovered.
P.S.: Thank God! After all this, I didn’t fall sick :)
Be informed but..
When it comes to politics, no channel or newspaper is unbiased. Each supports a different political party. For example, when they say "Y S Jagan is corrupted", we should be wise enough and think "Which politician is not corrupted, after all!" Its bcoz of his bad time that he is the one in focus. (I'm not his supporter in any way :)).
"Sonia Gandhi is getting treated for cancer, Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi are the future politicians from the Nehru family." This is enough for us to be informed about the situation. But they add to this, "Rahul acts as Rajiv Gandhi and Priyanka as Indira Gandhi". Well, I think they should leave that for us to decide.
They tell us that the world ends in Dec., 2012 and give explanations as end of Mayan calendar and pole-shifting as predicted by scientists like Einstein. They also ask us to be eco-friendly. If the world is anyway going to end in 2012, why do you want me to be eco-friendly? I don't understand. Does it change the things in any way?
I've developed a kind of hatred towards these news channels and newspapers. I'd better stay away from them.
Celebration time
"Shubh aarambh"
"Dil hai suhana aaj pehli taareek hai, khush hai bahana aaj pehli tareek hai.."
I like all the Dairy Milk ads. I somehow relate them to the way we look for reasons to celebrate. Birthdays, anniversaries n festivals are just some of them. We have many festivals and different ways to celebrate each of them. Crackers, colors and the very tasty prashad apart from the prayers, all in the name of God! That's the way we show our gratitude to God in different forms and that's also the way we find time to meet our dear ones, share happiness n celebrate life in the not-so-busy but busy lives.
We might have a 100 reasons to worry about our lives but we surely have enough reasons to be happy too.
I love festivals :)
Happy festive season :)
Monday Morning
The people who work, need to turn their minds on when they are at office. But my brain goes into auto-adjust mode as soon as I reach office and it turns off by itself. Poor me, I lost control over my own mind.
P.S.: I'm dozing off as I write this.
Its raining again..!!
"Mom, I don't wanna go to school today"
"You find too many excuses to bunk the school these days. Don't give the excuse of rain now"
"Yes Mom, its cold outside n its raining. I don't wanna go. Please.."
"If its raining, put on your rain-coat, if its cold, wear a sweater"
"and if its both??"
"You know the answer, why do u ask? Go get ready, we're late already"
"Go go go" and she pushes him into his room.
At the breakfast, while the kid is eating..
"Beware while you walk on road.. when a vehicle goes through the dirt water, it might splash on you.. the cables hanging from the electric poles are dangerous in the rain, stay away from them.. n don't even think of playing and getting wet in rain.. and.."
"Oh, Mom.. Too many precautions!! Don't you think bunking school for today is a better idea?"
"Nope, I'll drop you at school today. Doesn't that sound good? ;)"
"Oh, yeah.. right! :("
And they go to school singing "Rain, rain, go away.. Come again, other day.."
P.S.: I wish all rainy days are declared as bad-weather holidays :D
Tame the CAT
Sometimes, when I happen to look at them, I feel that I'm wasting my time. But I realize that the time one enjoys wasting is not wasted at all. :D
P.S.: No offences meant. I don't think they'd read this anyway :).
Troublesome Charity
I said "Fine. How can I donate?".
She wanted me to give my address so that she can come home and collect the money.
A call from some unknown person, asking your address. I wasn't very sure if its good to do it. So I told her that she can't meet me at home as I'm out most of the time and I asked her if she could meet me at office. When she heard 'Infosys' from me, she told me to do online transfer and also that she'd give me the account details the next day.
The following day, when she called me, she wanted to know how much amount I would donate. I haven't actually thought about it, and I told the same to her.
The next day, she called me up asking which bank's a/c I would prefer. I said, "ICICI". She said, "Sorry ma'm". "Then anything is fine", I said.
She texted me. "Hi Ma'm. This is from Manav Charity. The a/c no. is xxxxx, Name: David."
Now, I wanted to give money for charity and not to some 'David'. I was like, am I an idiot to do this!?!
Next day, she called again, "Have you tranferred the money, ma'm?"
I told her that I wanted to come down to their office to donate and asked her the exact location. She gave me some address in Miyapur. Irritated by her calls n messages everyday, I asked her not to call me again and told that I'd come there when I get time.
By now, I knew her number well and I can recognise her voice. So, the next two days when I got calls from her number, I haven't answered.
The next day, she called me from some other number at 8 a.m., I've picked it and she wanted to know when I would go there. I was at the wit's end, and almost shouted at her saying "I'm not sure, I can't tell you. Stop calling on my mobile. Don't ever call me again" and ended the call.
Is it charity that I'm doing or am I debted to her that she's irritating me with her calls everyday for money?
If she dares to call me again, I'm gonna tell her that I've changed my mind and I'm not donating money. I'll also tell her that I'm opening an orphanage and ask her if she's willing to donate and transfer amount to my account online.
P.S.: I shouldn't have thought of donating money in the first place. I don't need all this, do I? :( Its only an experience, now I know how to handle such calls :D
Being Friends
A and B are good friends.
One day, B calls A on his mobile.
Response: "The subscriber is unable to take your call. Please try again later."
After 5 minutes, B tries again.
Response: "Your call is on wait.."
After 5 minutes, B calls again.
Rings.. rings.. n rings. No Answer.
After 5 minutes, B gives another try.
Response: "The number you are calling is currently not reachable. Please try again later."
B texts A. "Important. Call me immediately".
A keeps his mobile off for the rest of the day.
The next day, A calls B.
B screams at the top of his voice, "What took you so long? Why did you call now? To check whether I'm alive? What do u think of yourself? Do you know how important it was for me? "
A (in a cool manner): "Are you done? This is how I feel when you don't respond to me in time. I feel better now."
B: "What?!?!?! Is this the way you tell me?"
A: "Yeah. Otherwise you'd say I'm cribbing."
B: "Why don't you try to understand?"
A: "Why don't YOU try to understand?"
Silence. Neither of them ready to apologise.
B: "Leave it now, let's meet at Foodie Inn for lunch."
They have lunch together. At the end..
B: "Oops! I forgot my wallet. Please pay the bill this time."
A: "What? Nice excuse, you miser!"
B: "That pays for my loss. I feel better now. And you don't wanna know why I've called you yest.?"
A: "Nope. Would you stop telling me if I don't want to?"
.. and it goes on and on.
P.S.: It is always important that you feel better. Atleast with friends.
And I thought, 'its all human'. :)
I feel the calmness after all this. It feels like 'its all over now, nothing more to come on my way'. Everything looks serene now.
P.S.: Somethings, sometimes, I just can't let go off my mind easily.
A Stranger in the bus-stop
It has become a part of my routine to walk-as-if-I-run in the mornings to reach the bus-stop on time to catch the Infy bus. Obviously, there won't be any time left to look at the other people waiting for the same bus. (Also, I don't remember the faces if I don't see them regularly atleast for few days.. true! :)). But these days as the bus is being late by few minutes, I've noticed a guy who boards the infy bus along with me. I happened to talk to this guy for few days without knowing his name. I had my own presumptions about him. He had a black-n-greyish hair and looked workaholic. So, I thought that he must be a very boring n non-fun loving kinda guy with yrs of experience in Infy. It is only yesterday that we knew each others names (He asked first, otherwise I wouldn't have known his name for ages!). Not all my presumptions were wrong, he's got 6+8 yrs of experience and he's workaholic. I told him that I'm a fresher with absolutely no work at office n my only reason for going to office is to clock 9.15 hrs and you know what happened..!!! He laughed at me :( . I wasn't offended but I felt that he could have responded in a better way. I could have given back to him for what he did, but I thought that it would be of no use anyway.
P.S: After this, I remembered what my mom told me when I was a kid.. "Keep away from strangers".
Hatsoff to Anna
I see that he is the hot topic of discussion everywhere. On TV, in BB, newspapers, FB, text messages on mobile, forward mails.. he is seen everywhere. Why not on my blog! :)
P.S.: I take pride in mentioning his name, not that talking about him is 'cool'.. :)
As a kid, I've learnt that it is cruel to kill an animal. And I believe that too. But killing certain animals is against law. Which means, it is allowed to kill the other ones. Don't you think that every creature has the right to live. Killing them, for satisfying our hunger, is being rude. Not just the consumption of meat as food, today, we use animal products in cosmetics, jackets, bags, belts and other accessories. To make the silk merchant rich, don't know how many poor silkworms got killed! And to celebrate our birth, we stop a few chicks from taking birth (if its an eggless cake, its fine :)).
We don't bother, we never care, 'coz we are happy with all this. How cruel! How rude!
Love or no love..!!
Nothing in life can be as great as living in a wonderful family. Living a lonely life with "its my life" kinda attitude can not give much happiness in life. In the end, all we need is a few people to care for us, to love us and be proud of us. None of the materialistic possessions can never equal love. (Not jus the love of 'someone special', I meant the love of a family).
P.S.: I'm not against love marriages. I'm only against leaving the family unhappy.
Memories of Independence day
P.S.: The last flag-hoisting I wished to attend was in Mysore. It was on republic day, at 8 a.m. n I was late by half an hour. So, I missed it but I happily got the sweet :D
Few Conclusions
2. 'Good' and 'Bad' are relative terms. They vary from person to person and time to time.
3. If there is a negative side to a situation, there's the positive side too. Its just the perspective.
4. When you expect something from somebody and they don't reach your expectations, its wholly your mistake to expect.
5. Help people, you'll be helped. Honor people, you'll be honored. Harm people, you wont be spared.
6. If you can read people's minds, its good.. if you can manipulate them, its better but when they come to know about it, it'll be worst.
7. 'Compromise' is the keyword for any successful relationship.
8. There's nothing wrong in believing "I'm the best", the problem starts when we think "I'm better than you".
9. If a 'sorry' can heal the situation, don't hestitate.
10. Self-esteem is important, it doesn't mean you can hurt others.
P.S.: After a lot of observation, I've come to these conclusions. Again, no giving 'gyaan'.. just sharing of thoughts :)
Saturday, September 10, 2011
No more complaining
We keep complaining about the way unexpected things happen.. but whats the fun if everything is perfect?
If we had a flawless society, if every work we attempt turns out to be successful, if we had nobody to fight with, if nobody had problems, if we never had to frown, if mom never had to yell at us, if dad never had to warn us, if everyone of us had enough money to spend a lifetime, if there were no barriers to freedom, if we never had to cry... would we really be happy? I doubt that. 'Coz we wont have anything to dream about, nothing to achieve, nothing enjoyable at all!
How would we even know whats happiness if we never knew whats sorrow? I'm not saying 'Enjoy the sorrows'. If you are having a sorrowful time, believe me, the happiness is waiting at your doorstep to see you.. but you are too busy with something else!
Rather than complaining, I think, its better to believe in the fact that we are destined to live life this way. This might be the best way to live! Its just the ever-complaining, never-satisified human tendency that keeps us down at times. We have just one lifetime, if we don't make the most of it, we are at fault.
P.S.: I don't really mean to give 'gyaan' by writing this. I'm just trying to feel better by telling myself "Stop complaining."
Random Thoughts
1. The scary things: Lizards, cockroaches and many other insects, Dogs, Cats (almost every animal!), Ghost stories, Horror movies, Darkness, Lonliness.. all these scare me away. I'm such a weak-hearted person that I spend sleepless nights after watching scary programmes on TV.
2. Project: I'm on bench since 2 months and don't know for how long this continues! I've come to know today that another girl in our team (i.e. who is allocated to the same account) is on bench since 4 n half months!
3. Freak-o-nomy: The words 'Inflation', 'Recession', 'Sensex'.. I don't know what these mean.. I'm not interested either. But when I hear those words from people, I feel that I'm from another world.
4. "Necessary but not Sufficient": This is the title of the book I've taken from library yesterday. I've hardly read 2 pages and I don't wanna read it anymore. It lays here on my desk looking at me as if it would kill me if I don't read it. No doubt, I'm gonna return it today.
P.S.: I'm worried.. Had my idle brain become devil's workshop?!?!
I miss those days
There was a time when we met our friends everyday, when we had fun, bunked the classes and visited different places in the city, talked about the 'hot news' of the day, chatted throughout the day and still had a lot more left, commented lecturers, dozed off in the middle of boring classes, fought for silly things... But now, as all of our friends are scattered across the country (I could say world too!), we need to plan 'When to meet?', 'Where to meet?' and finally end up saying "Sorry yaar, couldn't be there". Our friends are just a phone call away but the distance that separates us from them also kills the fun.
Friends are the people who have been with us through the thick and thin of life (and I'm sure they'll be with us till the end). They know the good and bad parts of us. The time spent with them can never be forgotten. Life would have been hell without them.
P.S.: I really miss those days.. I wish I could travel back in time.
Being on time..
Though I was late, I was welcomed with smiles. Even by not doing home-work, I could impress my teachers. Though I struggled to complete the exams, I've scored well. Now I feel that the timing is important and not being on time..;)
P.S.: I guess, after getting into some project, it is necessary to complete tasks on time to meet the deadlines. May be thats why I'm still on bench. 'The timing' of my getting out of bench needs to be benchmarked I think!!!
Heads or Tails..!!
P.S.: Whenever I toss a coin to choose something, my friends give me a weird look. They might think I'm acting childish. Never mind, thats my way and they're my friends :)
Music.. Movies.. Games.. Books.
While commuting to office or while lazing around or cleaning up or cooking at home, most of us still prefer to enjoy the company of music. Nothing else soothens our soul like music.
Movies and games are the modes of entertainment in their best form. Most of the times I feel that I'm happy, even after the end of a boring day, just 'coz of my addiction to these.
Books.. well, its not that easy to get attracted to them. But, once we find the joy in it, it isn't easy to keep away from them.
P.S.: If you are wondering that I haven't mentioned 'Mobile Phone', I would like to tell you, it (virtually) has become an unseparable and integral part of our body. :)
For infinite reasons, we are never at our best. But why to say something n do something else? Why can't we accept the truth?
(Why am I on bench n blabbering all this?)
Once in lifetime..
Once in lifetime all of us come across the following.. Here are my experiences
An unspeakable secret: Its unspeakable, I can't tell you :P
An irreversible regret: I'd regret it if I tell you.. coz its irreversible anyway
An unkept promise: "I won't have coffee from tommorrow"
An unheard request: "Oh God! Give me wings to fly"
An irreplaceable loss: Life.. once lost, is lost forever
An unreachable dream: Get rich by doing nothing
An unforgettable love: 'Love' itself is unforgettable. (Correct me, if I'm wrong!)
A Quarrel Within
The result.. I was late n I it was 6:20 PM by the time I reached the bus. All the seats in the bus were occupied except one which had a bag in it. I've enquired from the guy in the next seat if it was reserved for someone. As he was responding, I found that there was no ID Card there and it reminded me of the mail sent by Hyd_Transport ppl the other day.. 'We are not supposed to reserve seats in the bus by placing bags, books or lunch boxes. Seats can only be reserved with ID Cards'. I told the same to this guy n while he was texting something (may be to the person who owns that bag), I put the bag in the luggage holder above and occupied the seat. In a moment, the other guy has come.
I told him in a gentle and polite manner "We are supposed to reserve seats only with ID Card".
He hesitated for a moment and then said "Its Okay, its fine" with a disappointed expression on his face.
"I'm Sorry", I said.
He repeated, "Its fine" and stood there.
Now, I started feeling bad for him and for what I've done. Part of me was happy that I'm seated but the other part kept me restless. Though I'm right with the rule, the 'good' part of me kept saying that I was too rude and what I've done was absolutely wrong! I couldn't fall asleep in the bus, nor could I listen to music or think of something peaceful until that guy got seated after about 1 hour. 'Thank God!' I thought.
Lesson learnt: 'Don't be late to bus. Even if you are late, don't talk rules.. 'coz u can't be peaceful later on'.
Precious is the time of our life but it leaves us bored at times. I was busy with studies till last year. But then after my graduation, I was totally bored to death. Well, I wouldn't have known that I could draw pictures, sing a few lines, read books, magazines, newspapers (which I thought I never would do!!) and write blogs. Out of my boredom, I've tried my hand at many things and reinvented myself and redefined my time. Knowing the unknown gave me pleasure, made me curious and helped me to keep myself busy with something. That's the lesson I've learnt. Later, when I was in Mysore for training, I had to face the other extremity of being too busy to think of anything but exams. Then, I have come to know how flexible I am. Work or no work.. its always fine.
Busy or bored are jus two different words that indicate two different perceptions. In the end, its all in the way we look at it.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
I've moved on..
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Dear God..

On the special occasion of Father's day, I'd like to thank you for giving me a very special Dad to whom I look upon. He is the one.. who gave everything I wanted, who inspired me everytime, who fulfilled every dream of mine, who knew me better than myself, who found happiness in keeping me happy, who felt proud of me for every little thing I achieved, who enjoyed my success. Whatever I'm today, is all only because of him. I've learnt the best things in life at home, from my Mom n Dad. I feel blessed to have such great and lovely parents. Thank You for giving me the best Mom and Dad.
Me.. :)
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
The place to be..
1. Displaying ID cards
2. Walking only on pavements
3. Throwing any kind of waste only in the dustbins
(These rules were told to us even when we were kids, but we never followed them back then!)
4. Following set of principles called C-LIFE in short
(This reminds me of the long Q's in which we had to wait for a long time)

5. Writing too many exams
(The words commonly heard from the trainees are perception, handson, compre, cgpa, exam, etc.)
6. Complaining about the food in the food courts
(This is done almost everyday)
7. Last but not the least, we all work (or study!!!) @ Infy.
Apart from the regular training, we get to learn a lot here by observing things happen and mingling with people. Everyday we experience something new. Hence, it is the place to be.
Saturday, June 11, 2011

Success-Failure, Good-Bad, Happy-Sad, Fortune-Misfortune, Poor-Rich, etc are the names which we give to different situations. All these words are relative. One's Success/Failure depends on the way he/she defines it. To a school going kid, passing all the exams is a success.. but if his aim was to score the highest mark and if he hasn't achieved it, then the same success turns out to be a failure. Somebody finds happiness in saving all money and becoming rich but to somebody else, helping the poor n needy and see them grow in every walk of life gives happiness. The same happiness varies in form n quantity with different people. Similarly, Rs. 100/- can buy nothing for a millionaire but it buys a lot for a poor one who has been dying of hunger. All the above examples convey the same message.. its all "relativity".
In our daily routine, the opinions we form of things, persons n events are all relative to the impressions that are set in our mind due to our past experiences. So, what we see (read as perceive) tomorrow depends on what we see (read as perceive) today.
Friday, June 3, 2011
I run out of words..
I run out of words when I'm mad at someone.. I can shout at them or give a serious look but I can't tell them the cause of my anger in a polite way.

I run out of words when I'm confused.. I can put a strange expression on my face but I can't explain the state of my mind.
I run out of words when I experience immense pain.. I can cry out loud but I can't stay quiet waiting for the pain to soothe.
I run out of words when I run out of words.. I can try hard to find some words but I can't speak out.
Lonely... I'm so lonely..

Today I met a long and lost friend of mine,
Whom I never wanted to meet, but really cant fight my fate,
All sad from within, but I greeted him with a smile,
but haunted by his presence, I gave up and began to cry.
Finally I decided to face the fact,
That I have to meet him many many more times till the day I
He is the one who will be with me when no one is around.
He is the one who knows that with him I will never laugh but cry,
I have been with him many times but every time I make a new friend,
I thought i will never see him again, how happy but how wrong I was,
Well!!! He calls me his best buddy
Friday, April 1, 2011
Insearchof Happiness...
Never call anyone your "friend" because none is actually a true friend. You are too innocent and you trust the acquaintances and call them your friends. But the fact is, they aren't your friends. They care neither for you nor for your feelings. They are very pretentious in their thoughts, words and actions. This may not always be true.. but this time, its true for me.
The best way to stay happy forever is, wake up every morning n look into the mirror to admire yourself.. flow with time throughout the day.. and at the end of the day, forget everything and sleep like a baby.
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