Success-Failure, Good-Bad, Happy-Sad, Fortune-Misfortune, Poor-Rich, etc are the names which we give to different situations. All these words are relative. One's Success/Failure depends on the way he/she defines it. To a school going kid, passing all the exams is a success.. but if his aim was to score the highest mark and if he hasn't achieved it, then the same success turns out to be a failure. Somebody finds happiness in saving all money and becoming rich but to somebody else, helping the poor n needy and see them grow in every walk of life gives happiness. The same happiness varies in form n quantity with different people. Similarly, Rs. 100/- can buy nothing for a millionaire but it buys a lot for a poor one who has been dying of hunger. All the above examples convey the same message.. its all "relativity".
In our daily routine, the opinions we form of things, persons n events are all relative to the impressions that are set in our mind due to our past experiences. So, what we see (read as perceive) tomorrow depends on what we see (read as perceive) today.
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