Saturday, September 10, 2011

A Quarrel Within

Yesterday is one of the few days on which I stayed a little longer than usual in office. The buses leave the campus at 6:30 PM but as the bus that takes our route is usually crowded, I need to board the bus by 6:15 PM inorder to reserve a seat for myself. To my misfortune, all my friends who usually travel with me left the office at 5:30 PM and I was busy reading a story n didnt keep an eye on the clock.

The result.. I was late n I it was 6:20 PM by the time I reached the bus. All the seats in the bus were occupied except one which had a bag in it. I've enquired from the guy in the next seat if it was reserved for someone. As he was responding, I found that there was no ID Card there and it reminded me of the mail sent by Hyd_Transport ppl the other day.. 'We are not supposed to reserve seats in the bus by placing bags, books or lunch boxes. Seats can only be reserved with ID Cards'. I told the same to this guy n while he was texting something (may be to the person who owns that bag), I put the bag in the luggage holder above and occupied the seat. In a moment, the other guy has come.

I told him in a gentle and polite manner "We are supposed to reserve seats only with ID Card".

He hesitated for a moment and then said "Its Okay, its fine" with a disappointed expression on his face.

"I'm Sorry", I said.

He repeated, "Its fine" and stood there.

Now, I started feeling bad for him and for what I've done. Part of me was happy that I'm seated but the other part kept me restless. Though I'm right with the rule, the 'good' part of me kept saying that I was too rude and what I've done was absolutely wrong! I couldn't fall asleep in the bus, nor could I listen to music or think of something peaceful until that guy got seated after about 1 hour. 'Thank God!' I thought.

Lesson learnt: 'Don't be late to bus. Even if you are late, don't talk rules.. 'coz u can't be peaceful later on'.

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