Saturday, September 10, 2011

Music.. Movies.. Games.. Books.

Music.. Movies.. Games.. Books.. I don't dare to imagine what's life without these. These have occupied a prominent place in our lives. I can't think of a month or week spent without even one of them. Even in a busiest schedule, we spend some time on these.

While commuting to office or while lazing around or cleaning up or cooking at home, most of us still prefer to enjoy the company of music. Nothing else soothens our soul like music.

Movies and games are the modes of entertainment in their best form. Most of the times I feel that I'm happy, even after the end of a boring day, just 'coz of my addiction to these.

Books.. well, its not that easy to get attracted to them. But, once we find the joy in it, it isn't easy to keep away from them.

P.S.: If you are wondering that I haven't mentioned 'Mobile Phone', I would like to tell you, it (virtually) has become an unseparable and integral part of our body. :)

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