Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Love you Dad

He spent sleepless nights before we parted each other for the first time. He didn’t want me to leave him, but he let me go for my better future. I’ve never seen him crying before that day. He told me a 100 times to be careful. When we were separated by a distance of miles, the phone kept us together.

He took pain in my tears n he gave me the happiness of his smiles. He showed me the right path when I was lost. He taught me how to live, love, walk, talk, learn n earn. He happily made some sacrifices for my pleasure. Now, I know, it’s my turn to give him whatever I can.

He is the inspiration for whatever I am today. He is my Dad. Today’s his B’day.

Happy B’day Dad. Lots of love to you. :)

P.S.: He's 57. Three more yrs to retire from official service.. :D

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