Wednesday, October 5, 2011


How would it be if you talk to an old friend after a long time? Both of you have settled in different companies, busy with your own stuff, no time/no interest in calling up n getting in touch with each other. And all of a sudden on a fine day when you call her, if she talks to you in a formal manner giving up all the naughty and funny things, it feels good that she has grown up finally but it pinches a little that the time drew you apart and grew the distance between both of you.

Its high time to worry about it now. All you need to do is pull her leg, show the naughtiest side of you and bring back your old friend :)

Life is a journey where we meet people of different kinds. We may not like somebody for what he/she is at a particular time but if they change with time and show you some false face (or new face) of themselves, we can't accept it. It is true that many things change with time, but not all are acceptable.

P.S.: Today's one of my old friend's b'day. I think, now you understand why I wrote so much.. :)

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