Perhaps I'm the first one to do such a comparison of cooking and blogging. One can blog about cooking but can't cook about blogging! So, here's an exposition of "Cooking vs. Blogging".
1. The prime ingredients to cook a dish are edible products like vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, etc. while the ingredients to write a post in a blog are words and sentences.
2. A huge list of ingredients wouldn't form a tasty food if one doesn't know how to cook the recipe just as the group of words and sentences do not make sense without an idea or a thought process.

3. Knowing a recipe is of no use when one doesn't put forth an effort to cook it. Similarly, one wouldn't be a blogger when he/she doesn't make an effort to write down their thoughts. I'm sure, all of us do have thoughts but only few of us put them into words.
4. The taste of a dish varies when cooked by different persons though the recipe is one and the same. This is because of the persons' experience and signature of cooking. In the same way, the style of writing of a person makes the difference when he/she tries to convey an idea. The style or signature is the extra ingredient.
5. To complete the process of cooking, the icing on cake or garnish on a dish is important too. Making a blog readable by making use of pictures n humor is similar to this.
6. A tasty dish not only satisfies a hungry belly but also improves its appetite just as a good blog attracts the audience who would not only enjoy their journey of reading but also find pleasure in it.

7. After writing a new post in the blog, one could come back and makes changes to it with ease. But making changes to the food after it is cooked isn't always easy and sometimes it is impossible too.
8. Presence of mind is very important while cooking but blogging can be done with any state of mind. Any emotion can be depicted in a blog.
9. While cooking, one must be quick and careful in adding the ingredients at appropriate times as any loss that might occur to the recipe would be irreparable. It is like a practical examination in the chemistry laboratory. Irreparable losses wouldn't occur in the case of blogging unless an abusive or provocative language is used.
10. Both cooking and blogging are fun to do. The more one enjoys doing it, the better the outcome is.