I wonder if there is anything to which the working of human-body could be compared. Such a great co-ordination between different organs! I think, we should learn our first lessons of team-work from our own body. Human brain is amazing. It is full of thoughts which are mostly opinions and speculations. We keep it busy, often with the processing of the data sent from our five senses (Of course, the sixth one too!). It keeps working even when our body takes rest and it leaves us with the experience of wonderful dreams (and nightmares). Heart is only a hard-worker that keeps us alive. Brain teaches us to distinguish between what could be treated as 'right' and 'wrong' and heart, to put them along different channels. Together, brain and heart work as great decision-makers. When we are hurt physically, we involuntarily express the pain. This is how we are taught unknowingly to be expressive. We often tend to hide our expressions, especially the bad ones, for many purposes. The fuel for our body is the food we consume. I can relate it to "Law of conservation of energy" which says 'Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. There could be many more examples. We can learn a lot from our body, every organ has something to teach :).
Everything begins with one single thought. This is just a thought in an idle brain.
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