Leader is the one who leads a group of people with a selfless attitude and works for the collective betterment of the group. Is there at least one leader among our politicians? Isn't it time for our politicians to think, of what worth their lives are? If not, why not rename politics as poly-tricks? Each of our politicians have their own style of "becoming popular". Doing good to people is not in their agenda, it is only in their speeches and on the papers. Attracting voters by bluffing them in different ways and thereby getting into power is the only idea in the brain of every politician today. Moreover, a politician can win in an election even if more than 50% of the population are against him. Most of us are busy watching movies and enjoying the election-holiday and don't actually consider it our Right to vote! There are so many political parties that those of us who decide to cast a vote don't even get to know whom to trust and whom not.

The tax-payers feed the govt. authorities for all their expenses. Besides the income they get from corrupted means, they get their office expenditure, concessions in travelling charges (they travel only in business class in flights and 1st class AC in trains), electricity costs and phone charges. They waste our money to fight among themselves for our problems, but don't find any solution. Why are the Income Tax raids never conducted on these politicians' offices and residences?
India is fighting against terrorism since before independence, it is continuing the same even today. Why does it not put an end to all the border disputes? People of J&K don't even dare to dream of living at peace only due to the sovereignty of India over their state and the inefficient Indian leaders.

There were some great leaders once who established democratic rule in India and framed a supreme law called "Constitution of India" which declares the Union of India to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic, assuring its citizens of justice, equality, and liberty and, to promote among them all, fraternity. Today, do we really enjoy what has been assured to us by the constitution? Why are the economic disparities and regional disputes growing then? We have "Reservation policy" but still we call it equality! They say that it is for the betterment of backward people but the backwardness is measured on the basis of caste, and we call it secularity!
good job nd
nice one
thank u :)
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