When somebody talks behind your back, or doesn't like you for what you are, or thinks that you are good for nothing, or ignores you, or has got something negative about you in their mind, do you care? I don't. We don't gain anything by taking this negativity to heart. Actually I can't afford to waste my precious time in such useless matters. I'd rather prefer to stay away from such stuff. I believe that people are opinionated and it is impossible for a person to not have opinions. And there's nothing wrong in that. When you know what you are, others' opinions shouldn't bother you.

As long as you express yourself in such a way that it doesn't bother anyone, you can have anything on your mind. As long as you think "I don't care", you have the courage to face anything that comes to you. With this attitude, life becomes easier and happier. This kind of attitude keeps you going during the tough times in life when you fail in everything you attempt.
It is true that most of the times we can't ignore destructive criticism from our dear ones. In such cases, after deep introspection, we may have to deal with it by working on our own faults and defects. "I don't care" doesn't mean "I don't understand" or "I don't change". If you bring a change in yourself, it must be only by your own will and not because somebody wanted a change in you.
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