Thursday, April 23, 2015


Every religion preaches about the existence of a super power who is the Creator and Destroyer of the universe and everything in it. He is the writer and director of our lives who organizes everything perfectly.

He is the savior who saves us from the suffering. On the other hand, he is one who causes the suffering to test our patience and make us strong. We feel relieved from the pain in helpless situations when we offer prayers or seek help from the super power. It soothes to believe that help is on its way and all we have to do is pray n be good.

Are we missing the logic here? If the creator has already written our destiny, it would still remain the same despite the prayers or the deeds that we perform. If the destiny hasn't been written and if it is just random, even then neither the prayers nor the good deeds would help. If the destiny keeps changing based on our actions, then all we have to do is act on it. I mean, don't just seek for the help, don't waste the time waiting for the prayers to be answered. Do it right or do it wrong but do something because if you do nothing, you'll get nothing.

P.S.: I'm not an atheist. I'm just trying to be practical here.


Vasant said...
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Srisudha said...

I did mention that he organizes everything perfectly :)

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