Friday, November 1, 2013

The 'OOPS!!' moment

Do you remember the feeling that you get when you miss out something, spend hours to figure out what went wrong and then find out that you made a silly mistake. Such experiences give you a moment to realize and accept at least for a while and say 'How stupid I am!!'.
To err is human. And it's true that machines make mistakes because they are human-made and human-operated. One might argue that only the human-intervention part of a machine could be faulty. But it would ultimately mean that machines are faulty.

Accepting the mistakes that we make and identifying the stupidity-quotient of ourselves is the best learning that we make in life. The first step for such great learning is to make mistakes. If you have made mistakes or experienced failures, I'm sure, you are going to see better things in future. If you think that you haven't made any, then its time to wake up to the reality that perfection is only a myth and it's high time for you to identify and accept your mistakes.

P.S.: If you think that you already know what you've just read, may be this is your 'Oops!' moment. Congratulations! :D

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