Wednesday, October 5, 2011


The other day somebody asked me, what have you done in your bench period??

I was thinking, 'do you really wanna know?'

I can give lot of answers to that question but he wouldn't want to know the truth, so I told him what he wanted to hear.. :)

I've learnt to forget what I've learnt, I've unknowingly improved my speed of typing, I tried my hand at blogging, I've become lazier than before, I've read some novels n stories, I've learnt to sleep a lot, I've learnt that passing time doing nothing isn't that difficult, I've become too didn't tell him all this. I told him that I've attended some E&R sessions which I really did attend. :D

Some questions can be answered easily, but we need to think what the other person expects from us while asking. Thats the art of answering in an answerable way :D. Another one of it is, 'Tell me about yourself.'

P.S.: I wish n hope that the 'somebody' wouldn't trouble me seeing this.. :)

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