We have friends, acquaintances and the people whom we know by face and name. Our brain has an excellent capability to remember and process all the data about them and also the data that they give about others. Time and distance might separate people physically but the brain doesn't erase the data that is previously stored, and the heart doesn't stop missing the good old days. Heart is the most fragile part of human body (I can say this though I didn't study biology). It isn't as intelligent as the brain and hence gets hurt for little things.
A famous proverb says "Four things come not back: the spoken word, the spent arrow, the past life, and the neglected opportunity." So, think twice before you utter a word because it isn't easy for a hurt heart to heal.
Do not ignore your friends or at least don't let them feel that they are ignored. If you have no time to meet them, a phone call or sms will be fine. The most important thing, do not forget to respond to your friends' calls and messages. Though you have no time, don't say "I'm busy" when they call you. It really hurts. There's a better and polite way of expressing the same. Be it our friends, acquaintances or the people whom we know by face and name or even a stranger.. there's nothing wrong in being polite to them (If not friendly, at least be polite). That way we wouldn't hurt a heart.